Ginger Beef Noodle Soup

My family likes to eat at a local Chinese restaurant owned by a man nicknamed Homer (Homer, as in the ancient Greek author). He got this nickname decades ago by a family friend of ours (who happened to be Greek) who was Homer’s sponsor when Homer immigrated here from China. I have no idea what his real name is, but even the other people at the restaurant call him Homer, too.

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Melitzanosalata (Greek Eggplant Dip)

Eggplant is one of those vegetables that can elicit a love-it or hate-it kind of response (my mom loves it, my dad hates it, it’s a mixed marriage). I have learned that the key is all in how it’s prepared. So let’s prepare it right, shall we??

Continue reading Melitzanosalata (Greek Eggplant Dip)

Quick & Easy Pickled Eggs

The words “pickled” and “egg” don’t seem like they should belong together. For me, pickled anything was supposed to exist exclusively in the world of plant material and never cross over to anywhere else. I might have been wrong about that.

Continue reading Quick & Easy Pickled Eggs

Plum Cobbler

Repeat after me: a cobbler is not the same as a crisp, and neither are the same as a crumble. Or a buckle, a pandowdy, a betty, or a puzzle. Slump, maybe, but only the cobbler. Don’t even get me started on grunts. Who came up with these names??

Continue reading Plum Cobbler

Sweet Cream Biscuits

I love me a good biscuit. Drown it in gravy (but only if it’s actually good), or slather it with butter then top it with honey, and I’m a happy person.

Continue reading Sweet Cream Biscuits

Braised Chicken with Kalamata Olives & Capers

Despite the quantity of sugar-filled recipes I have on this blog, my tastebuds are fully addicted to sour and salty flavors. I’d like to believe that this is in direct contrast to my sweet personality. No laughing allowed!

Continue reading Braised Chicken with Kalamata Olives & Capers