A Wee Walk in the Woods

20181020_114404_001How is it that the things closest to us are often the ones we least explore?  I’ve lived in this area for almost my entire life, and this last weekend was the first time I hiked this trail that is less than an hour’s drive away.

Continue reading A Wee Walk in the Woods

Ginger-Lime Noodle Soup

20200311_190203My cousin gets the credit for introducing me to what became the inspiration for this soup.  She brought the original recipe with her and said we should make this for dinner.  When my cousin says “should” what she really means is “will”, but usually I’m game for whatever plans she concocts, so it works out anyway!

Continue reading Ginger-Lime Noodle Soup

Milopita (Apple Cake)

20200831070859_IMG_5425I think the best thing about milopita is the fact that Greeks eat this for breakfast.  Seriously, why wait till the end of the day for something this good?!  I think they might be on to something, here.

Continue reading Milopita (Apple Cake)

A Baby is Blessed

20181015_144043Last Sunday was a special day for my family.  My new grandson was brought to church for the first time following the same kind of practice going back thousands of years.  The same practice as when Jesus was brought to the synagogue when he was a baby.

Continue reading A Baby is Blessed

Don’t Toss That Pumpkin!!

20180122_192011Every year, millions of pounds of pumpkin gets tossed into the garbage.  It’s a massacre of epic proportions and the saddest thing of all is that it doesn’t have to happen.  Don’t listen to the lies!!!

Continue reading Don’t Toss That Pumpkin!!

Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

20171105_134912It is easy to understand why Persephone was tempted by the pomegranate seeds offered to her by Hades, as told in the ancient Greek mythological story, even though eating them would condemn her to spend three months of each year in the dark underworld.

Continue reading Pomegranate (Punica granatum)

Tomato-Pesto Poached Eggs

20180908_133220jikmlI had never heard of shakshuka before, and then in the span of a week I had three different sources bring this wondrous dish to my attention.  The universe was speaking and I decided to listen.

Continue reading Tomato-Pesto Poached Eggs

Blue Cheese Salad Dressing

_20180830_165320It was sometime in the early 90’s, with some people I don’t remember, at a restaurant somewhere in Berkeley.  Alcohol may be responsible for the vague memory.  Shhhh… don’t tell my mom.

Continue reading Blue Cheese Salad Dressing