Whole Wheat & Oats Apple Muffins

20200422_212617I once read that if you plant an apple tree, you’ll be growing apples for the whole neighborhood.  I’m beginning to understand what that person meant.

Continue reading Whole Wheat & Oats Apple Muffins

Memorial Day – Remember Them All

The sad reality is that many military lives aren’t lost on a battlefield, or even during any military activity at all.  Many are the result of the after effects these events have on them.  Tristan was one of those lives.

Continue reading Memorial Day – Remember Them All

Dolmades (Greek Stuffed Grape Leaves with Tomato and Meat Filling)

20200518_231648Each spring the family gathers together to participate in their most beloved activity: harvesting grape leaves.  They pretty much hate it.

Continue reading Dolmades (Greek Stuffed Grape Leaves with Tomato and Meat Filling)

Avgolemono (Greek Egg and Lemon Sauce)

20200518_220234Every culture’s cuisine seems to have some sort of sauce or dip that’s used for almost everything.  Americans have ketchup, Greeks have avgolemono.

Continue reading Avgolemono (Greek Egg and Lemon Sauce)

Rose Cordial & Candied Rose Petals

20200507_183737If you have ever eaten a Greek or Middle Eastern sweet with a floral flavor you couldn’t quite pin your finger on, it was likely flavored with rose.  Yes, like the ones in your garden.

Continue reading Rose Cordial & Candied Rose Petals