Melitzanosalata (Greek Eggplant Dip)

Eggplant is one of those vegetables that can elicit a love-it or hate-it kind of response (my mom loves it, my dad hates it, it’s a mixed marriage). I have learned that the key is all in how it’s prepared. So let’s prepare it right, shall we??

Continue reading Melitzanosalata (Greek Eggplant Dip)

Greek Purslane Salad

20200615111516_IMG_4286I present to you the most gourmet plate of weeds that you could possibly eat!  Yes, weeds.  You know, those things you rip out of the garden and toss away.  Perhaps it’s time to redefine what we consider weeds.

Continue reading Greek Purslane Salad

Blue Cheese Salad Dressing

_20180830_165320It was sometime in the early 90’s, with some people I don’t remember, at a restaurant somewhere in Berkeley.  Alcohol may be responsible for the vague memory.  Shhhh… don’t tell my mom.

Continue reading Blue Cheese Salad Dressing

Greek Summer Salad with Anchovies

20180629_115755There are few tasks when visiting family in Greece that I enjoy as much as going to the λαïκη (lye-ee-KEE), the farmer’s market.  There you will find the ripest, most colorful produce, buckets of olives, slabs of feta, and the freshest seafood and meats.  I drool walking past each display.

Continue reading Greek Summer Salad with Anchovies

Winter Spinach Salad

20180115_162453Sometimes in winter I’ll have the foolish notion that I miss summer.  And why not?  Days filled with eating warm, summer fruit right off the tree, swimming in the pool with the kids, harvesting fresh tomatoes and peppers.  Then I remember the week long stretches of 110+ F heat.  Oh yeah, that’s why I don’t miss summer.

Continue reading Winter Spinach Salad

Balsamic Vinaigrette

20180115_164323Okay, say the following in the voice of an upset three year old: I can do it myself!  This was (still is?) me throughout much of my life.  I would say ask my mom, but please don’t.  She’ll be a little too happy to share stories.

Continue reading Balsamic Vinaigrette