Pomegranate-Apple Jelly (No Pectin Added)

The irony does not escape me that I write recipes for other people to follow, while I seldom follow anyone else’s. Hopefully no one takes it personally. I don’t always follow my own, either.

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Pomegranate Molasses & Syrup (Grenadine)

Perhaps you already know the Greek mythological story of how the goddess Persephone was tricked into staying in the underworld by the god Hades by being tempted with pomegranate. Honestly, I can’t blame her.

Continue reading Pomegranate Molasses & Syrup (Grenadine)

Winter Spinach Salad

20180115_162453Sometimes in winter I’ll have the foolish notion that I miss summer.  And why not?  Days filled with eating warm, summer fruit right off the tree, swimming in the pool with the kids, harvesting fresh tomatoes and peppers.  Then I remember the week long stretches of 110+ F heat.  Oh yeah, that’s why I don’t miss summer.

Continue reading Winter Spinach Salad