Ginger Beef Noodle Soup

My family likes to eat at a local Chinese restaurant owned by a man nicknamed Homer (Homer, as in the ancient Greek author). He got this nickname decades ago by a family friend of ours (who happened to be Greek) who was Homer’s sponsor when Homer immigrated here from China. I have no idea what his real name is, but even the other people at the restaurant call him Homer, too.

Continue reading Ginger Beef Noodle Soup

Vegetable Scrap Broth

I have to admit, I’m both saddened and embarassed at the amount of vegetable scraps that I have let go to waste in my lifetime. They deserved so much more respect than I gave them. Yes, scraps.

Continue reading Vegetable Scrap Broth

Cream of Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup

Repeat after me: Broccoli can taste good without being smothered in a sea of goopy, fake cheese. And I don’t mean that you should smother it in a sea of goopy, real cheese, either.

Continue reading Cream of Broccoli and Cauliflower Soup

Fasolakia Yiahni (Greek Green Bean and Potato Stew)

There are a variety of dishes that I wasn’t fond of when I was a kid. I look back and wonder what the heck was wrong with me. Please don’t answer that question for me!

Continue reading Fasolakia Yiahni (Greek Green Bean and Potato Stew)

Spanakorizo Avgolemono Soup (Spinach and Rice Soup with Egg-Lemon Sauce )

My recipes are the result of well planned and thought out combinations of a perfect selection of ingredients… aahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!! Yeah, right.

Continue reading Spanakorizo Avgolemono Soup (Spinach and Rice Soup with Egg-Lemon Sauce )

Super Easy Southwest Style Bean Soup

Cooking is a form of relaxation for me. However, sometimes I want to relax on the couch, thank you very much. You want dinner? Open a can!

Continue reading Super Easy Southwest Style Bean Soup

Thyme & White Wine Cauliflower Soup

20200416_101712I have to admit that as I was concocting this recipe, I was a little doubtful of how well this soup would be received.  Then everyone (even my baby grandson) voluntarily took seconds.  The Old Man went in for thirds.

Continue reading Thyme & White Wine Cauliflower Soup

Beefy-Leekie Soup (or is it Leekie-Beefy Soup?)

20200117_115044I’m leaning towards the first name because the second just doesn’t sound right.  Seeing as how leek (the vegetable) sounds just like leak (the dripping action), the second name doesn’t give a good visual for what is a really good meal.

Continue reading Beefy-Leekie Soup (or is it Leekie-Beefy Soup?)

Hortosoupa (Greek Vegetable Soup)

20200306_141209You will likely be hard-pressed to find a culture that doesn’t have their own version of a hearty vegetable soup. It’s pretty much a “just add water” technique for stretching out available produce to feed a hungry family a nutritious meal.

Continue reading Hortosoupa (Greek Vegetable Soup)