Melitzanosalata (Greek Eggplant Dip)

Eggplant is one of those vegetables that can elicit a love-it or hate-it kind of response (my mom loves it, my dad hates it, it’s a mixed marriage). I have learned that the key is all in how it’s prepared. So let’s prepare it right, shall we??

Continue reading Melitzanosalata (Greek Eggplant Dip)

Garlic & Rosemary Mashed Potatoes

I’m a comfort food type of person. While I can fully appreciate a gourmet meal, there is just something to be said about those “simple” foods that taste like home. But simple doesn’t have to mean boring.

Continue reading Garlic & Rosemary Mashed Potatoes

Fasolakia Yiahni (Greek Green Bean and Potato Stew)

There are a variety of dishes that I wasn’t fond of when I was a kid. I look back and wonder what the heck was wrong with me. Please don’t answer that question for me!

Continue reading Fasolakia Yiahni (Greek Green Bean and Potato Stew)

Easy, No-Waste, Homemade Dill Pickles

20190728_073940So maybe you planted some cucumbers and now you’re realizing how many cukes those vines can churn out in a season and you’re wondering what the heck to do with them all.  Once again, I’m here to help!

Continue reading Easy, No-Waste, Homemade Dill Pickles

Sautéed Romaine Lettuce with Parmesan

20190504_195220I’m no fan of the “wilted salad” trend.  There’s a reason why most salad greens are served cold.  But every so often it’s okay to make an exception.

Continue reading Sautéed Romaine Lettuce with Parmesan

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)

20180304_101138_001Not only is this a ridiculously easy plant to grow, but it’s tasty, nutritious, and can be used as a functional part of a water feature in your landscape.  Score one for versatility!

Continue reading Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)

Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

20180103_094145If you live in a part of the world that doesn’t get snow (jealous?!), most of the growing advice for cool weather crops won’t work for you.  Trust me, I’ve tried following the seed packet instructions, only to get nothing.  Zip.  Zero.

Continue reading Spinach (Spinacia oleracea)

Greek-Style Roasted Winter Vegetables

20171226_140544_001Those shiny, round, and bright red tomatoes at the store are lying to you.  As you pass by them they whisper to you about how good they will be.  Don’t fall for their tricks.  You know that they will be dry and flavorless, because it’s not the right season. Continue reading Greek-Style Roasted Winter Vegetables

Baked Eggplant with Tomatoes & Onions

20210918124043_IMG_7302One of the few good things about living in a place with ridiculously hot summers is that the growing season for summer vegetables lasts a good, long time.  The latest I ever pulled eggplant from the garden or tomatoes off the vine was a couple of days before Thanksgiving.  The plants may not be in full production mode this late in the year, but there’s still enough to do something with. Continue reading Baked Eggplant with Tomatoes & Onions