Broccoli & Leek Frittata

I’ve grown broccoli in my garden off and on over the last few years, with varying levels of success. This last year was incredibly successful. Almost regrettably so. So. Much. Broccoli.

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Cheesy Egg & Sausage Casserole

One of the things I’m looking forward to when I someday retire is having time in the mornings for breakfast. You know, an honest-to-goodness meal where I get to sit down and actually enjoy eating at a leisurely pace. Until then, I at least have weekends.

Continue reading Cheesy Egg & Sausage Casserole

Sweet Cream Biscuits

I love me a good biscuit. Drown it in gravy (but only if it’s actually good), or slather it with butter then top it with honey, and I’m a happy person.

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Nectarine Sourdough Coffee Cake

20200610164931_IMG_4179Each summer my exercise routine consists of repeatedly running frantically out of my kitchen to the backyard, flapping my arms and yelling “ch ch ch ch” to scare away the scrub jays from my nectarine tree.  When I’m tired, I make the boys do it.

Continue reading Nectarine Sourdough Coffee Cake

Ham & Cheese Empanadas

20200123_142927Several days ago I gave the Old Man and the Medium Boy the task of putting in a new pond liner for our back yard.  It’s hard work.  I fed them these empanadas as payment.

Continue reading Ham & Cheese Empanadas