Vegetable Scrap Broth

I have to admit, I’m both saddened and embarassed at the amount of vegetable scraps that I have let go to waste in my lifetime. They deserved so much more respect than I gave them. Yes, scraps.

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Rendered Fat (Tallow, Lard, and Schmaltz)

No, I don’t live on some isolated homestead.  Yes, I could easily go to the store and buy some lard.  No, I don’t want to because making your own is easy enough to do, and why not save money and reduce waste in the process?

Continue reading Rendered Fat (Tallow, Lard, and Schmaltz)

Umm… You Don’t Want to Look in There

untitledMy family has come to learn the hard way that I essentially view my home and garden as one big science lab.  They are likely to stumble across experiments either already in progress, or getting ready for one, in a variety of locations inside and outside the house.  What did you expect from a science teacher?

Continue reading Umm… You Don’t Want to Look in There

All. That. Candy. Ugh.

20180622_125336I know that not everyone dreads the Halloween candy leftovers.  There are some that I will sneak out of my kids’ stash for “sampling purposes”.  Eventually, though, something needs to be done about the rest.

Continue reading All. That. Candy. Ugh.

Don’t Toss That Pumpkin!!

20180122_192011Every year, millions of pounds of pumpkin gets tossed into the garbage.  It’s a massacre of epic proportions and the saddest thing of all is that it doesn’t have to happen.  Don’t listen to the lies!!!

Continue reading Don’t Toss That Pumpkin!!

Freezing Berries

20180426_190454Every so often I manage to squirrel away some of our berry harvests when little boys (or the Old Man) aren’t looking.  I want to make sure my little treasure trove will be safely tucked away for later use.

Continue reading Freezing Berries

Room for Rent, Cheap!

My usual approach to attracting wildlife to my garden is just to plant things that they would want to come in for.  I’m not into feeders and other things that will become junky clutter after a season or two.

Continue reading Room for Rent, Cheap!

Storing Root Vegetables

20180330_135353Nothing says “tasty” like a carrot pulled from the refrigerator that proceeds to flop over like a spaghetti noodle, right?  Hmmm… maybe not so much.

Continue reading Storing Root Vegetables

Harvesting Leafy Greens

20180403_203626I like to get the most “bang for my buck” whenever I can.  As much as I love to garden, I don’t have time to refresh my plantings as often as I like, so whenever I can extend my harvest without having to start over, I’m good.

Continue reading Harvesting Leafy Greens