Greek Green Almond Spoon Sweet (Glyko Tsagalo)

Hospitality is huge in a Greek household. No self-respecting Greek will want to have a reputation of being a poor host or hostess. So how do you best show your guests some love? Sugar. Lots of sugar!

Continue reading Greek Green Almond Spoon Sweet (Glyko Tsagalo)

Quick & Easy Mizithra (Greek Ricotta)

20190323_182259I consider myself to be a fairly serious kitchen DIY-er.  I enjoy learning about a food’s history and recreating it in my kitchen.  But then there’s that whole time thing.

Continue reading Quick & Easy Mizithra (Greek Ricotta)

(Mostly) Traditional Irish Soda Bread

20190314_212550erdMy father’s family is primarily a mix of Scottish and Irish heritage that dates back to Colonial America at least as far back as the 1600s.  By now our connection to much of the traditions of these two cultures is pretty much gone.

Continue reading (Mostly) Traditional Irish Soda Bread

Leftovers “Shepherd’s Pie”

20181226_200057It never fails, holiday meals around here leave us with a plethora of leftovers.  After a while, I begin to resent the space they take in my refrigerator, but they’re also too good to let go of.

Continue reading Leftovers “Shepherd’s Pie”