Saying Our Goodbyes and Helloes

A few months ago, one of our fur babies dissappeared. I’ve written about her before. She was a bit of a pain and a bully. But she was still our fur baby, none-the-less. We don’t know exactly what happened to her, but there are multiple possibilities.

Continue reading Saying Our Goodbyes and Helloes

Homestead Sweet Homestead (Well… Sort of)

I have avoided doing any posts dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic and all the other turmoil happening these days (or as we like to say in California speak “all this s&%t going on”). This story will be no different… kind of.

Continue reading Homestead Sweet Homestead (Well… Sort of)

Memorial Day – Remember Them All

The sad reality is that many military lives aren’t lost on a battlefield, or even during any military activity at all.  Many are the result of the after effects these events have on them.  Tristan was one of those lives.

Continue reading Memorial Day – Remember Them All

Over the River-bed and through the Avocado Orchards to Grandfather’s House We Go…

20200217_125839I guess this is the California version of the winter sleigh song, though if you go high up enough in the Sierra-Nevada mountains you will find snow.  It’s just not where we were.

Continue reading Over the River-bed and through the Avocado Orchards to Grandfather’s House We Go…